How to Search For Information You Need
In general, finding information free on search engines requires a lot of patience and is time consuming. Free websites most likely provide only limited information if you are searching for something important. The best choice is to buy it because bought information is usually written by specialists and is copyrighted. [August 13, 2008 10:25:46 am] By Chic Ngo
Articles By Health Experts---- Cold and Flu
1. Cold And Flu
By Ashi Jas
The common cold and flu (influenza) are very common infections of the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, ears and sinuses).
What causes them?
Colds and flu are caused by viruses. The infections are contagious, passed on by tiny droplets and hand contact.
2. Cold and Flu Medicines Right From Your Kitchen
By Michael Russell
In Japan, they usually use egg wine to cure cold, flu, fever, etc. Whenever it turns cold, egg wine becomes a favourite beverage in every Japanese household. You can make it yourself by mixing wine with some well beaten egg. Add some sugar to that alcoholic egg and put the mixture into the microwave oven for about 20 minutes. A glass of egg wine is ready for you to enjoy! It helps improve your blood circulation, warm your body when it’s getting cold and makes you feel sleepy. Drinking egg wine is also a good way to restore your energy and also enhance the beauty of your skin.
3. Vitamin C Cold and Flu Drink
By Denice Moffat
I’ve used this recipe for many years on myself with great success, but a few times I have made it for my friends, family members and employees. They hover over me and first ask, “What’s in that stuff?” After they are better, they end up calling me for the exact recipe.
4. Herbal Medicine for Cold and Flu Information
By John Gibb The common cold or flu is one of medicine’s greatest mysteries. While there are plenty of pharmaceutical products offered to help ease the symptoms of these illnesses, our local drug stores still offer us no opportunities to rid ourselves of the ailment itself. The pharmaceutical market offers such products as Vicks and Theraflu, but these products are only designed to make you feel better for the duration of your cold. While you may lose the coughing or running nose symptoms, there is still a sickness tugging at your body.
By Chuck Arnone
Everybody can do something to keep you and your family healthy. The time is ripe for hand-washing being a priority, it helps stop the transmission of germs. No doubt the cold & flu season is here! Vaccinations are important, especially for the high risk group. One of the best times to get the vaccine is mid-October to mid-November.
6. How Do Parents Know When Kids Have the Cold Or the Flu?
By Chris Lowrey
It's that time again...either the kids or the parents start to feel under the weather. It isn't hard to know that an illness is coming on. You know it's either the cold or the flu and know full well that the next week is going to be a living nightmare. But, how can you tell the difference between the cold and flu? And, what do you do when you figure it out?
7. Avoid Getting Sick And Medical Bills This Cold And Flu Season
By Allison Roberts It's autumn, and that means cold and flu (influenza) season for many Americans. Flu outbreaks usually begin in the late fall and early winter each year. Once an outbreak reaches an area, it spreads quickly. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year because of the flu, and about 36,000 people die each year because of the flu.
8. Six Ways To Reduce Cold And Flu Symptoms
By Constance Weygandt There are little things we can do everyday to stay healthy. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, we catch a cold or flu. Antibiotics are ineffectual in treating viruses. However, there are some alternative methods we can use to lessen flu and cold symptoms.
9. Cold and Flu Remedies or The Flu Shot?
By Patsy Hamilton Many people are interested in natural and herbal cold and flu remedies. The reasons vary. Some people are aware that an individual may experience an adverse reaction to flu shots. Other people just prefer to use herbs and botanicals as opposed to chemicals and drugs.
By Mary Jo Kurtz
After the stress of the holidays our bodies are run down and it's no wonder that colds and the flu run rampant! Our resistance is low from lack of sleep, stress and, of course, a diet of less than nutritious foods that tend to be typical holiday fare. So, when germs come our way, there's a good chance we may not feel our best. We thought we'd share some of our top picks for these occasions.
11. Chinese Herbs for the Cold and Flu Season
By Farah Khan
Chinese Medicine has many recommendations for staying healthy and well for all seasons. In the fall, when the weather is beginning to get chilly and the days get shorter, our lungs and our respiratory system become more vulnerable to illness. People with asthma may begin to have more frequent attacks. One is more likely to catch a cold or come down with the flu.
By Philip Gegan
They say prevention is better than cure and nowhere is this more true than when you are talking colds and influenza. In this article you're going to read about all the things you can do to prevent yourself from catching the common cold or flu.
13. Flu-Cold Prevention & Treatment Synergy Blend - Boosts Immune Response
By KG Stiles
This Flu and Cold blend of pure essential oils contains anti-bacterial and anti-viral oils known for their tremendous capacity for healing. The oils in this formula are the most powerful anti-septic and anti-microbial oils in aromatherapy and have been found to have an especially high percentage rate of effectiveness against airborne bacteria.
14. Best Cold Remedies - 7 Popular Home Cold and Flu Remedies
By Nikki LeRoi
During cold and flu season, it's normal to see commercials touting the latest cold and flu remedies on TV that claim to stop your suffering in their tracks. Most of these over the counter remedies treat the symptoms, but don't lessen the duration of a cold. Also, many of these medications can make you drowsy or feel drugged
15. Choosing the Right Cold or Flu Medication for Those with High Blood Pressure By Paul J Johnson
High blood pressure is an increasingly common affliction, and with it comes the increasing danger of unknowingly putting yourself at risk of new or increased blood pressure issues as a result of the use of over the counter medications as common as cold and flu medicines that are readily available. How is it that medicines so commonly sold and easily acquired at the local pharmacy can have such dangerous potential?
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